C A P R I  C L U B S  W O R L D W I D E   &

C A P R I  C L U B  I N T E R N A T I O N A L

Since it's information in 1982 Capri Club International has established itselft as a well managed organisation with some 8.000 members in the UK and around the world. Support and encouragement has been given to a wide range of services and activities.
The Club's objective is to bring together owners with a view to "keeping the legend alive!" This can be interpreted in many ways and consequently Capri Club membership is enjoyed by all - those who strive for perfection and originality, those who enjoy the personalited nature of their car and those who simply enjoy the company and correspondence of like minded enthusiasts.
The Club publishes its own award winning magazine which is circulated to Club members each month. It's pages are crammed full of articles, stories, features and advice. Vehicle tests, event reports, letters and new ideas - all relating solely to the Capri.
Each year Club hosts its own International standard shows at four prestigious venues every year. Each show has a specific theme and attracts thousands of Capri fans. The Summer Camp themes are for example "wacky racers" or "Mad Max".
The Club employs full time staff to cope with our ever increasing mail order department. From a simple badge or T-shirt to an exclusive Club performance exhaust system or rear brake disc conversion, the Club tries to offer a full range of Capri spares and regalia.


monthly magazine:     parts catalogue:



The Club address is:
 Capri Club International
18, Arden Forest Business Centre,
Arden Road, Alcester
B49 6HW England
web site:

European and U.S. clubs logos :







 Last updated: 13-05-2003